Monday, August 26, 2013

Guest Bedroom: A Room of Refashioning

It's been fun putting together my guest bedroom but kind of a challenge because the room is full of the government loaner furniture that I whined about a few months ago. You know? The furniture that I can't paint or do anything else to? Let me refresh your memory:

So, the first project was the bed. Thanks to a suggestion from an amazingly creative friend, I decided to buy a bunch of fabric and sew a slip cover of sorts for the headboard. This project was so much easier than I anticipated. It literally was two seams!

As you can see, the nightstands are pretty ugly too, so in an effort to jazz them up I bought some paper and put them in the drawer panels to give a splash of color and hopefully distract from the ugliness. Honestly, I'm not completely satisfied with it, but I guess that's just how it goes with ugly government furniture.
^^^photo bomb of my current house guest^^^

Also, that glass decor thing on the night stand used to look like this. Yay for spray paint!!
Another refashion that I had fun doing was refashioning a bunch of antique doilies last seen at my wedding. I love love love doilies but it's hard to decorate with them without having your house scream "old lady." That's why I love pinterest. So many great ideas for doily crafts. 
 So there you go! I just really want the guest bedroom to be a space where you can relax and feel at home. It's pretty feminine, but since most of our guests so far have been girls, I'm ok with that. I also like to come and chill in here sometimes since it's the one room in my house that's guaranteed to be clean all the time.

What do you think?? Any other suggestions welcome!


  1. That headboard is still the most amazing thing I have ever seen. That fabric choice is just perfect!

  2. OH MY GOD! i need a sewing machine!! We sleep in our government bed :( with my comfy mattress tho :) and i've been thinking of going to a fabric store and buying some fabric glue to cover that ugly headboard! The worst thing about government furniture is that ugly brown color -_-!!! I love what you did with your spare bedroom! and those doilies are to die for!!


  3. You're not a real DIY decorating blogger until you have pictures of your house that include a pet. Thank you, Kevin.
