Thursday, January 2, 2014

Merry Christmas and Alooooha!

Warning: picture overload.

A year ago when we moved to Okinawa, we said to my family that we ought to try and meet "half-way" for Christmas. Half-way just happened to be Hawaii. Such a rough place to have to meet ;). We are so happy and blessed to say that it completely worked out. Victor and I were able to take a government flight there a few days before my family joined us, and we got on a flight the morning after my parents flew out. 

We had such a wonderful time doing all the typical Oahu activities: Pearl Harbor, Waikiki, North Shore, Polynesian Cultural Center, Laie Temple, and Waimea Falls. Before my fam got there, I had a grand old time doing "American" activities I hadn't done in a year such as Target (!), and eating at fine establishments like Wendy's, Arby's, Outback Steakhouse, etc. If only Hawaii would get a Chipotle and HomeGoods. 

I was also so happy to see my niece! She is at such a fun age and man, I can't tell you how much I miss her already. She also loved seeing her Tio Victor (last year she was still in the stranger danger phase and didn't warm up to Victor very fast) and it was the sweetest thing. I'm just so grateful for family. This trip was a little hard to come home from after being able to spend a glorious week with family. I didn't want to say goodbye. 

And now for the photo dump!
 ^^^these guys went skydiving! still the funnest thing I've ever done^^^

We missed my sister Camille, who is serving her mission in Guatemala, but we got to Skype with her on Christmas day, and it was great. Luckily she wasn't upset at us for living it up in Hawaii without her.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Love you all. 


  1. Next time the Ostler family vacations, I'm coming too! Looks like fun. P.S. The picture of Laila laying on Victors shoulder makes me melt. So cute!

  2. what a fun holiday trip Annie! I love your family. I'm glad it was such a fun time!

  3. Thanks, Buddy. I have also enjoyed your blog and will continue to check in to read your posts. wait for you next holiday
