Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Quick Trip to Williamsburg

On Monday, Victor had the day off, so we took the opportunity to head down south to see a few friends and have a quick little getaway. After speaking in church on Sunday, we headed down and spent Sunday evening in Norfolk in order to visit and say goodbye to some good friends. And then on Monday we headed up to Williamsburg so I could have a little spa day! My dad gave me a gift card to the Spa at Colonial Williamsburg ages ago, but it's so easy to say "I'll use it later...it's a long drive....blah blah blah." So I finally used it. Merry Christmas and happy moving to me!

It was heavenly. I wish I could do something like that more often. And before you feel sorry for Victor for not coming, he spent the morning at the outlets and was very happy to finally find a good pair of jeans for a good price. So, obviously it was a win win. And, he got some delicious chocolate covered strawberries: win win win!
While I was waiting for him to pick me up, I walked through Colonial Williamsburg and looked at the pretty Christmas decor. It's such a lovely place. Every time I'm there, I wish my mom could be there too, because I know how much she loves it. 
 It really was a fun little trip. After that is when we stopped at the VMFA on our way home, which was also a lot of fun. It's moments like these where it's really bittersweet to be moving.


  1. Let's not forget, you also received a new pair of jeans...and chocolate covered strawberries...

  2. Cute. You have new and fun adventures awaiting though.
