Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My Christmas Nativity Scenes

I stole this tradition from my mom. She loves collecting Nativity scenes from around the world. Her collection now is seriously impressive and puts mine to shame. It's because everyone knows about her collection and will bring her back Nativities from around the world as their gift to her. My collection right now is based solely on Nativity scenes that I have brought back myself from my travels.

Unfortunately, there are countries missing, simply because finding a Nativity there would be next to impossible, like China, Thailand, and Bali. But other places we have had luck. Every Christmas we have been able to add to our collection and hopefully this upcoming year will be no exception with some traveling we hope to do! It's my favorite part of my Christmas decor and the Christmas season.

These two are from Romania. They represent different geographic zones of the country.

 We got this yellow one on our honeymoon in the Dominican Republic. This style is very traditional for most Nativities there. My mom had one almost identical when I was little.
 These two we got when we were in Budapest, Hungary.
 We got this one from Hawaii. I love it.
 Oh, I love my Japanese kokeshi Nativity. It has been the most expensive one I've bought, because it is commissioned with a Japanese artist, since Christianity is not the dominant religion. I love it.
 We found these two on our last day in Hanoi, Vietnam. A lucky find in a shop that had a few Christian items. It also helped we were there over Christmas time.
This one's figures aren't very Vietnamese, but the hanging hat mobile thing was found everywhere around Hanoi!
This white one I got way back when I went to Peru, and this year, my mom gifted me the other one when they traveled to Zimbabwe, so I guess it's the one in the collection where I didn't go. Forgive me. 
Yay for the Christmas season! I love it so much. Do you have a Nativity collection? Post a pic so I can see it!


  1. Love your collection! I haven't been to cool countries like you to collect from. But maybe I'll start one of I see any on my travels.

  2. love these all. I'm hoping I can convince duke to let me buy the kokeshi one!

  3. Can you tell me where you found your kokeshi one?

    1. I got the kokeshi nativity from a vendor from a military base in Okinawa, Japan :)
