Monday, May 2, 2011

Being a bride is emotional

I think this kind of post is going to be a weekly thing, by the looks of it. But every week, I am up and down on this whole wedding business. Can you say anxiety? Btw: six weeks!!

I feel like this post is kind of a current apology/pre-meditated apology to those who fall in the path of my roller coaster emotions (unless you're on the good end, then consider yourself lucky). The thing is, as I am writing this I am feeling so good about life! The sun is out, I feel so in love--loving this time of year and this time in my life. But it was not like that all weekend. The happy high kicked in yesterday afternoon and sailed even higher after the announcement of a certain someone's death. Weird, that it could make me so happy, but so it is.

Anyway, not to dwell on the dark moments this weekend, but seriously, I was in hysteric crying for a lot of Saturday. Things that set me off were things that usually would have made me upset anyway, but never to the kind of crying where you can't speak because you can hardly breathe and you make those unattractive gasping sounds. This rarely happens to me, so the fact that it happened multiple times in a 5 hour period is off the charts. What can I blame it on? Myself? The people around me? The birth control? I don't know. But please, have some patience with me these next few weeks. I will try to get a grip and realize that the things that I am freaking out over are really trivial.

I made the mistake of looking at my bridal photos as I was watching the royal wedding highlights AGAIN which was a big mistake. My dress disappointed me: it wasn't Kate's. My height: I look so short and stumpy standing next to my tall and handsome fiance ugh! This is just one example of how I am going a little bit crazy. (I look at the pictures now and am completely happy with them)

On that note, I will end my whining. I love my life. I really do love being a bride. And I love you!


  1. Being a bride is SO emotional. Blame it on anxiety, birth control, whatever, it is rough. Hang in there:)

    And I'd bet money that your dress will be stunning.

  2. Been there my friend! There is just way too much to stress about right before a wedding, and all the decisions threw me over the edge too! I even thought, after seeing the royal wedding, that I wished my dress had been more lacey instead. I guess we just all want to be like the princess...
