Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cape Manzamo at 39/40 Weeks

My mom is here! And it's my birthday tomorrow! And actually, it's my due date tomorrow too. Wowzers. My mom has been here for a little over a week, and it has been pretty great being able to play with her before baby comes. Despite my belly that slows me down, and my mom tearing her ACL and meniscus just 3 weeks before coming, we have been having lots of fun. 
^^ick I look like a whale! but ny husband sure looks handsome^^

I seriously can not believe I am hitting 40 weeks. I feel like this pregnancy went by so incredibly fast, and yet when I look back, I do feel like I have been pregnant for such a long time. I still need to pack a hospital bag, and we still need to put the carseat in the car, but even then, I don't think I'll ever feel completely prepared.

This will most likely be my last bump post. It's kind of bittersweet. It's fun and pretty miraculous to look back at how my body has grown a baby. Pretty amazing. Hope you've enjoyed the journey with me!


  1. Good luck with everything! Hopefully the baby waits one more day so you won't have to share your b-day. :-)

  2. You do not look like a whale at all! You seriously look fabulous, and I can only hope to look as great as you if I get pregnant one day. Good luck this week Annie! How cool to know you'll get to hold your baby boy in your arms any day now. Also, please say hi to your mom for me!

  3. I wish I were there! And I love your dress!
