Monday, August 20, 2018

My J Says (and some favorite pics of his 3rd year)

Ok ok I definitely had a hard time narrowing down these photos I just can't help myself! I think 3 was a good year for our J!

And here are some favorite little things he has said lately :)
 "Oww my mustache is hurting!"

 "J, I love you to the moon"
"I love you far away all the way where Jesus lives!"
(he says that lot and I love it haha)
 "Well I'm the boss so I'm grumpy."

"I need water I'm drinky!"
 ^^he loves babies and it's the sweetest!^^
 "Mommy, say thank you to me for being-haive"

"No, Dominic, we don't have to be quiet we not in church!"

"We haven't gone to Home Depot in a we should go to Home Depot."
(definitely went to home depot that day ;)

 "What are you doing, J?"
"Just calling Jesus."

"No, the consequence is over!!"
(if only we could choose when the consequence is over haha)

"I got you a present Dominic, some chasing glasses!"
(aka the transformers glasses they wear to chase each other around the house)
 ^^he has an obsession with maps. i love it^^

"Mommy do you know why I like drinking syrup? Because it smells like dessert!"

Love you so much, J!  

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